Description of the Assessment
- This assessment is primarily used to place pupils into secondary schools.
- The assessment is based on the current curriculum guides including National Grade Six syllabus for the four (4) core subjects: Mathematics, English Language, Science and Social Studies. Each subject will consist of two papers. Paper 1 (Multiple Choice Items) and Paper 11 (Essay Items).
- The grade earned at the National Grade Six Assessment is a combination of five percent (5%) of each candidate’s Grade Two score in Mathematics and English, and ten percent (10%) of the Grade Four score in the same subjects, added to eighty five percent (85%) of each candidate’s Grade Six score in those subjects. The combined scores in Mathematics and English will then be added to the scores gained in Science and Social Studies.
Conditions of Entry
- All pupils writing the National Grade Six Assessment in a particular year should have already written the National Grade Two and National Grade Four Assessments in the respective grades.
- Any pupil of Grade Six who has NOT written either the Grade Two or Grade Four Assessment may be entered for the Grade Six assessment. In cases where pupils who did NOT write either the Grade Two or Grade Four Assessments are being entered, a letter to the Chief Education Officer explaining why the assessments were not written should be sent in with the registration materials
- Headteachers are required to submit a letter to the Superintendent of Examinations along with the relevant medical documents for pupils requiring Special Assessment Arrangements when submitting registration materials to Examinations Division.
- Birth Certificates or some other legal proof of age must be submitted along with entries. Provisional entries without Birth Certificates will be accepted. Heads of Schools are therefore asked to enter all pupils whether or not they are in possession of Birth Certificates pending submission of same. Assessment results will not be released unless Birth Certificates are produced.
The assessment will consist of four (4) subjects namely:
- Mathematics
- English Language
- Social Studies
- Science
English Language
Paper I
A multiple choice test consisting of 40 items which includes:
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary and Spelling
- Grammar and Punctuation
(40 marks)
Paper II
Candidates will be required to write a composition using about 150 words on one topic chosen from a list of four given topics.
It should be noted that stimulus materials e.g. pictures, graphs or recipes will be used in this section.
A letter using about 150 words on a given topic selected from a list of four topics.
The address and salutation will not be included in the 150 words.
(20 marks)
Paper I
A multiple choice test consisting of 40 items.
(40 marks)
Paper II
The paper will consist of six structured/restricted problems from which they will be required to answer only four. One of the questions will be compulsory.
(20 marks)
Social Studies
Paper I
A multiple choice test consisting of 40 items.
(40 marks)
Paper II
The paper will consist of six structured/restricted problems from which candidates will be required to answer only four.
One of the questions will be compulsory.
NB: Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) themes/issues will be examined in 2013 as part of the Social Studies papers.
(20 marks)
Paper I
A multiple choice test consisting of 40 items.
(40 marks)
Paper II
The paper will consist of six structured/restricted problems from which candidates will be required to answer only four.
One of the questions will be compulsory. (20 marks)